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I wholeheartedly believe that there's nothing inherently broken about you or your business. So, why seek out a coach? Often, it's because our natural clarity and intuition get clouded by various factors—stressful environments, past traumas, or simply the noise of daily life.

Imagine being in a state where everything feels clear, where you instinctively know the right steps to take and the best path forward. That's where I come in. My role isn't to fix you; it's to guide you back to that innate state of clarity and confidence.

Using techniques like nervous system regulation, mindset shifts, meditative practices, and lifestyle adjustments. I empower you to make positive transformations more easily and quickly.

Together, let's unlock your potential and watch as you blossom. It's not about fixing; it's about flourishing.
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Are you feeling stuck in a specific area of your life? Is fear, stress, or anxiety holding you back, leaving you searching for a way to perform at your best without relying on anxiety suppressants?

The modern world we live in is undeniably beautiful, yet it can also be harsh at times. With this perspective in mind, I aim to assist individuals or enterprises seeking to lead lives or businesses in harmony with the natural world's power. If this resonates with you, don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you.

I offer both online and in-person support, depending on your preference. During our discovery call, we'll discuss your needs, and together we'll create a plan to help you achieve your goals. My approach with clients is informed by my studies of the nervous system, NARM basic training, and other somatic-oriented therapy and coaching forms.

Individuals who seek my support include:

  1. Entrepreneurs or athletes seeking stress-free performance without relying on anxiety suppressants.

  2. Men who seek to live in harmony with their true masculinity beyond the narrow framework dictated by macho culture.

  3. Parents seeking greater family harmony without resorting to punishments or bribes.

Grön planta

Alin Hupert 27 y/o Psychotherapist 

“Thanks to the sessions with Adam I feel more capable of speaking up for myself. Past experiences and the nature of my work gave me the tendency to always put other people first. During the sessions I released these parts of myself that were holding me back. Now I feel that the connection I have with the people that I love is more real and honest, and not based upon dependency. All of this was only possible because I felt very safe in Adam’s presence. Thank you so much”

Image by Igor Son

Kajsa, 32, Entreprenör

”Kände mig trygg och väl omhändertagen hos Adam. Vill definitivt gå igen!”


Julia Trum 31 år Yogalärare

Adams förmåga att hålla space med så mycket värme och kärlek gav mig modet att våga möta delar av mig själv jag länge hållit undan. Tack vare Adams ickedömmande själ och hans rena kärlek har jag närmat mig mitt hjärtats längtan!  Att få lära sig mer om nervsystemet och trauma samt att få med sig verktyg som hjälper en dagligen att komma tillbaka till ett tryggt nervsystem har gjort stor skillnad i min vardag och skapat mer förståelse för mig själv och för andra.

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